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Offer flexibility Offer flexibility

Let employees choose how they want to learn—at their own pace, on a schedule with a group of peers, or both.

Train from anywhere Train from anywhere

Keep everyone current with the latest training across teams and locations with a platform accessible from anywhere.

Track training progress Track training progress

Incorporate quizzes, assignments, exams, and certificates to gauge—and recognize—employee progress.

Easy for you and your employees

We designed Thinkific Plus to provide an amazing user experience, so employees remain engaged, keeping completion rates where you need them to be. It’s also easy for you and your team to build and manage courses, so you can focus on training—not tech.

Easy for you and your employees

Employee training that scales

From hiring sprees to last-minute live all-hands videos, Thinkific Plus is built to handle anything—at scale. Features like bulk enrollment and unlimited admins help you avoid growing pains. And with an API and App Store, you can connect it to the HR and employee success tools you already rely on.

Employee training that scales

“Having an actual plan and program in place was better than our unscalable in-person training. Getting it up was the most important thing. Thinkific was simple to use, which was important to me.”

Jacob Sewell
Training and Certifications Manager, Procurify


Expertise—without the extra staff

Thinkific Plus includes a dedicated team of experts who understand the ins and outs of developing effective employee training programs. From advising on platform migration to helping you measure the success of your staff (and your initiatives) we’re with you every step of the way.
Expertise—without the extra staff

Key employee education features

Unmatched Employee Experience

Unmatched Employee Experience

Create memorable interactive content using Live Lessons, communities, assignments, engagement surveys, and more.
Progress and Engagement Analytics

Progress and Engagement Analytics

Track employee progress, engagement, and course completion rates with in-depth reporting.
Multiple Environments

Multiple Environments

Build and manage multiple employee branded Thinkific sites for all of your stakeholders—all on the same platform.
Enterprise Reliability and Security

Enterprise Reliability and Security

Trust that your employee data and content are safe with reliable and secure cloud hosting, including SSL certificates and regular backups.

Power your employee training with the best tools in the business

Seamlessly connect Thinkific Plus with thousands of your favorite marketing, automation, and employee success tools. Maximize your learning product impact with the tools you already love and trust.
Power your employee training with the best tools in the business

Start empowering your team

Build engaging content, centralize learning, and create consistency across your organization with online employee training.
Start empowering your team

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